Policy Brief: Emerging Stronger than Before: Guidelines for the Federal Role in American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes’ Recovery from the COVID‐19 Pandemic

The precedent in the CARES Act, acknowledgment that the federally recognized tribes carry responsibilities which mirror those of state and local governments is a breakthrough; tribes must continue to receive significant additional support along with their state and local counterparts as further pandemic relief funding is crafted by Congress. In the process, it is imperative to consider whether and how the current crisis in Native America can be turned into an opportunity for tribes to emerge from this crisis with greater cultural strength and community wellbeing, and with more robust and resilient economies and governments.
Henson, Eric C., Megan M. Hill, Miriam R. Jorgensen, Joseph P. Kalt. July 24, 2020. Policy Brief: Emerging Stronger than Before: Guidelines for the Federal Role in American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes’ Recovery from the COVID‐19 Pandemic. Cambridge and Tucson: Harvard Project for American Indian Economic Development and Native Nations Institute.